Today's front page of The Sun carries a banner headline 'The adulterer, the bungler and the joker.' 《太阳报》今日头版大标题为《奸夫、笨蛋和小丑》。
The Guardian's front page carries a photograph of the two foreign ministers 《卫报》的头版刊登了两国外交部长的一张合影。
The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers. 加沙地带的暴力事件成为大多数报纸的头版新闻。
Her photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times. 她的照片登在了《纽约时报》的头版上。
The newspaper put a huge headline on the front page! 这样的标语上了报纸头版头条。
The stories that are the most dugg appear on the Web site's front page. 得到最多赞成的故事出现在Web站点的头版。
Your new content should show up in the list on the front page. 您的新内容将显示在首页列表中。
On ChangingThePresent. org, we cache the front page and several other pages using fragment caching. 在ChangingThePresent.org上,我们使用分段缓存来缓存首页和其他的几页。
You got room on your front page now? 现在你的封面头条有空间了吧?
The gallery's booth made the front page of the Miami Herald. 画廊的展位昨天上了迈阿密先驱报的头版。
Your latest posts-Check to radio button so your latest posts are displayed on the blog's front page. 你最新的文章–选中单选按钮,这样你最近写的文章,就会显示在博客的首页上。
The newspaper screamed the news on the front page. 那家报纸在头版醒目地登出了这条新闻。
The headlines about the earthquake screamed from the front page. (报纸)头版登出了醒目的关于地震的标题。
That photo was on every front page in the world. 那张照片上了每家报纸的头版。
Or you can also find it at the lower left side of the front page of this blog. 或者也可以在我的博客首页左下方看到官方网站的链接。
Front page-Select in the drop-down box the actual Page that you want displayed as your front page. 首页–从下拉框中选择你想要显示为首页的页面。
And every time his picture's on the front page. 每次他的照片一上头版。
This morning's newspapers all carry the same story on their front page. 今早所有的报纸在头版刊登了相同的报道。
To access your permissions, I would suggest uninstalling and then reinstalling your Front Page Extensions. 要访问您的权限,我建议卸载,然后重新安装您的首页扩展。
They made the front page! With a photo! 她们上了头版!还有一张照片!
He glances at the front page. 他扫视了一下头版。
It's all over the front page. it's horrible. 整个第一版。太可怕了。
The library management system in general is divided into front page display and back office management. 本图书管理系统总体上分为前台页面显示和后台管理。
She was in the front page of that fashion magazine. 她出现在了那个时装杂志的头版。
Hey, eddie, you made the front page today. 嘿,埃迪,你上了今天报纸的头条了。
The Guangzhou-based Information Times and many other newspapers featured con artist Wang Xiniu on the front page today. 今天,广州出版的《信息时报》和其他许多报纸都在头版报道了骗子“艺术家”王细牛的轰动性新闻。
And now he's front page news. 现在他却成了头版头条。
The front page or homepage of your ecommerce website should include a welcome and introduction statement. 首页电子商务网站或网页,你应该欢迎,并介绍了包括声明。
You photo will appear next day on the front page. 你的照片第二天就会出现在头版上。
This is what was said in one title on the front page of Jiefang Daily. 这是《解放日报》不久前的头版新闻标题。